2324 E Cesar Chavez St
TX 78702
Are you a counselor, family therapist or licensed social worker who works with transgender clients or would like to? Join us for this informative class taught by a transgender woman of the Highland Lakes Equality Center. All attendees receive six CEU credits.
In this class you’ll learn:
– about the transgender individual from age 2 to 92
– being transgender
– The awakening and misunderstanding of the individual gender
– What being transgender IS
– Some history of the transgender community
– The therapist and transgender client relationship
– What therapists need to know to better serve their transgender clients and patients.
The class will be facilitated by Stephania Kanitsch, a transgender woman sharing a lifetime of experience on the subject. Contributor Bill Stone, LPC-S License #19384
Highland Lakes Equality Center, Inc. Approved Provider:
– LCSW 7426
– LMFT 1152
– LPC 3130
A simple box lunch will be served. Within walking distance is an array vegan, vegetarian, Mexican and American food. The class will be upstairs. Free parking available. All class materials will be provided.