Old News

Under Construction
September 7, 2024Sara LimonLGBTQ News(0)
WEBSITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Have some suggestions for our new page?? Let us know what you…

Equality Fest oozes the positivity in the LGBTQ community
July 1, 2021Highland Lakes Equality CenterLGBTQ News(0)
Days after our first Equality Fest ended, people in the Highland Lakes are still talking…

HLDW help HLEC continue to provide valuable services
June 17, 2021Highland Lakes Equality CenterLGBTQ News(0)
Very happy to report it’s been a busy spring for the HLEC, one that our…

Pride month began with a week of riots at the Stonewall Inn
June 24, 2020HLEC StaffLGBTQ News(0)
A little more than a half century ago, a group of patrons at a New…

On the other side of pain and discrimination is true friendship, support and love
June 18, 2020Highland Lakes Equality CenterLGBTQ News(0)
What an interesting week it has been for the Highland Lakes and the LGBTQ community…

Final touches are underway for ‘Fascination’
March 12, 2020Highland Lakes Equality CenterLGBTQ News#hausoffatale,bisexual,equality,gay,highlandlakesequalitycenter,hlec,Kara Foxx-Paris,lesbian,lgbtq,queer,trans,transgender(0)
Final preparations are occurring for the “Fascination” drag show presented by the Haus of Fatale…