Expectations for What A Drag! Be ready to be entertained and have fun

One common question since the HLEC announced its What A Drag! show and fundraiser presented by Rae’s RBar and Grill is what can attendees expect to see.

Two elements: high energy and high quality, according to Kara Foxx-Paris, our beautiful MC.

“For that moment, you get to embrace all that and have fun and enjoy the majesty of it all,” she said. “People will have good time.”

Advanced tickets are $25 and includes a Mexican meal from Super Taco and a cash bar. The event is at 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 14, at Smithwick Dance Hall at Heart of Texas Ranch.

The performers include Aries Fatale, Paradox Rei, Kennedy Fatale, Gypsy Rose Fatale, Prima Van Cartier, Milani Paris, Toni Andrews, and Luiz Fatale, Mr. Gay Arizona UsofA 2018.

Foxx-Paris said each entertainer spends hours contemplating every part of their performance, including hair, make-up, costumes, music, dance moves and dialogue. Rehearsing and presenting material to a small circle of people before performing in front of a live audience also is done with great care, she added.

“It’s really important to remember we spend our time, our money, our blood, sweat and tears on our craft,” the MC said. “We take pride in it. We have stuff we prepare.”

Foxx-Paris calls herself charismatic and vivacious and is known for joking around on stage with the performers and the audience.

“I’m also very sexy,” she said. “I embrace my curves, and I have a curvy body. I enjoy seeing that and carrying myself around.”

Above all, organizers are committed to providing an environment that encourages making memories and invites people to forget about their daily lives for a couple of hours.

“We’ll have a good time,” Foxx-Paris said. “I’m going to help provide a safe and fun atmosphere that makes people want to be apart of it.”

If anyone is experiencing a bad day, Foxx-Paris highly recommends coming to the show. That won’t last long, she promises, because the entertainers won’t let anyone stay in that frame of mind. People will be surprised how quickly their frown will turn upside down as the performers sashay throughout the night.

“They go to a show and see this fabulous drag,” she said. “Leave behind any kind of concept or idea of what it is. Come in with an open mind and open heart and be ready to have fun and entertained. This is something unique. You’ll find things you may not have known before and be enlightened.”